Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Instead of another photo...a State News Athletics Memory (126 Days til)

Howdy, it's ol' Hud. And because these photos are packing massive traffic through this site these days, I'm going to list a nice little memory here to help start a new feature on Cookie Day.

One day, Pat Muir was playing touch football with the State News in Fall 1998. I think he was still an intern, but was already a star in the wake of his famous "I made a poop somewhere in the newsroom" listserv strike against Art Alcid.

So we're playing this game -- a practice mind you -- and for some reason it comes up that only a few of us actually played high school football. (Which Pat proved one day with his Matt Puir photo button. This button still exists.)

Pat hears that I played football. And starts showing off his defensive lineman techniques when lined up against me. A grab and shuck here, a spin there. I do my part by trying to combat them with simple offensive line techniques.

Not to be outdone, Pat steps it up, sensing my lack of line experience. He looks me dead square in the eye, winks and proceeds to execute a perfect "swim" maneuver. Perfect except that instead of ripping past my block, he just punched me full flush in the face, breaking my super cool prescription Ray Bans which were the most valuable item in my possession at the time, car included.

And yes, we lost to the Michigan Daily that year, as we did every year.


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey now, we beat the Daily back in my day, way back in 96 and 94. Of course, we lost the next year, but hey.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Hud said...

Your day? As I recall, you were still jockeying for QB at the very practice I mentioned...which was a bit after your Snews time ended. (Hey it's not like the Daily didn't ring some players.)

Too bad Rexrode was just so, so good.

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alas, I gave up the reins at QB when Iended my reign as ENC. I do believe I was the scout team QB for that game. Too bad Rexrode was so, so good that you lost to the Daily. I at least had a 1-1 record.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger The Narrator said...

Solari, nice use of rein/reign. Mike, why do all your stories involve your glasses?

Pat, why don't you punch Mike in the face more often?

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Hud said...

Thank god i have such good insurance...

At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah maybe so about Rexrode, but Smoker was the only quarterback in the state doing lines while he played.

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of things:

-- Yeah, sorry about that, Hud. I learned a lesson out on that practice field: I'm too short to execute a proper swim move. Since that day I've relied exclusively on my grab-n-trash and my forearm rip. I'm also toying with a new spin move.

-- I heard from the current S'news staff that Solari was out there again this year, trying to explain to them why he should still be quarterback -- "But I was ENC!" -- then his hat blew off exposing his dome and all the young kids laughed and laughed.

-- Had the Dan Patrick show going in the car on the way to work. DP name-dropped our own C-Rob when citing a Yahoo! news report about Green Bay scouting Matt Leinhart. Huzzah to Charles Robinson!


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